HORSE: Koda, 9yrs, Mustang gelding gathered in 2020 at 7yrs old from Eagle, NV.
SITUATION: Highly sensitive and reactive, fearful of humans, avoids physical touch. Can be explosive.
GOAL: Build Koda’s comfort with the proximity of the handler, steady physical contact, and rein cues from the saddle position to achieve calm, relaxed, and connected short reining.
Summary & Conclusion
The first short-reining session with Koda revealed how much tension he was still expressing with close contact. So I went back to the beginning and find ways to improve his comfort with proximity and touch, especially while he was in movement.
We did this through body targeting at halt and while moving, first with a crop, then my hand, then arm, then shoulder, then the side of my body (hugs) and finally using classical conditioning to positively associate leaning on him with eating.
The video shows me short reining with him again for the first time after 6 weeks. I offered him frequent jackpot breaks and allowed him decide to come back to the exercise voluntarily.
Koda was relaxed and I was able to lay my arm over him and lean into him on both sides in the last few repetitions. It always pays to unravel and go backwards to deal with foundational causes of tension. Continuing to do more short-reining was not the answer in this situation.