HORSE: Chai, 18mths, Mustang filly gathered in 2022 at 3mths old from Pancake, NV.
SITUATION: Chai runs ahead of the lead horse, causing him to speed up and get anxious.
GOAL: Chai can be ponied calmly, staying a polite distance behind the lead horse, and responds to soft cues on the halter. 

Summary & Conclusion

There were several challenges to overcome to achieve this goal, some related to Maz’s resource guarding behavior around food, and some related to Chai’s anxiety around Maz and her inexperience with leading. We solved these issues by changing the environment (leaving the yard), removing food rewards from the actual ponying sessions, teaching a clear “stay back” cue for Chai, and isolating and practicing calm connected leading with Chai (separate case study).

This video shows a clip from our 4th short ponying session in the neighborhood. Chai is directly behind Maz, which is fine as our trails are single track.


Koda - Fly Sheet


Koda - Despooking